Sunday, August 3, 2014

7 months of Bob

physically: he is getting so big. 16 pounds 10oz, and 26 inches long. 

teeth: two teeth. and i am pretty sure there is two more on the way. tons and tons of drool. cranky. good times (not really)

eats: just about everything. still on formula, but also eats purees.  he also started eating "adult" food. he loves sausage, toast, rice, chicken, and beans.

sleeps: in his crib. he was doing really well, sleeping 7-7 but lately the sleep has been regressing. waking up anywhere between 5:30am-7. ugh.

wears: still in 6-9 month clothing. 

loves: playing with his dad. seeing the cats. being picked up and put by the mirror ( he loves looking at himself). jumping in the jumper. and laying in the swing. 

hates: i can't really think of anything that he hates right now. nothing really comes to mind.

vocally: he is babbling SO much. it's pretty cute. he also started blowing spit bubbles while talking. i love it.

he just started crawling!!!!!!!!!!!! like two days ago on august 1st. i was volunteering when his dad sent me a video of him crawling. super crazy! makes me really happy to see him hitting these milestones but at the same time pretty sad that my baby is growing so quick. 

he's also been really sick. for about the past 2.5 weeks he's had super bad diarrhea. i took him to the doctor and she said there is a virus going around but they are wanted to do some labs so we are waiting on the results. he also just got a cold and last night was one of the worst nights we've ever had. so much screaming no matter what we did. holding him, rocking him, letting him lay down, he just cried. it was the worst. hopefully he starts feeling better soon. 

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