Saturday, October 4, 2014

nine months of bob

physically: he is so dang big! he doesn't have a doc appt till next month, but i am guessing he's 18+ pounds and maybe 29 inches. love love love my big boy.

teeth: 6 teeth. 2 more on the way out.

eats: everything. doesn't turn down anything at all right now. such a chunk.

sleeps: in the crib. 7pm-6am. naps are all over the place right now because of teething. ugh! 

wears: still fits in 6-9 month clothing as well as a few 12 month shirts. i guess it depends on where the clothing is from. 

loves: being chased on the rug while crawling, and playing with cars. such a boy already! 

hates: having his clothing taken off as well as diaper changes. also dislikes being taken out of the bath.

vocally: he babbles so much. he also says dada, and "yea yea yea yea yea." 

this coming week on tuesday he has a doctor appt with a specialist at children's hospital. i don't want to get into it too much here, but just send positive thoughts his way. (promise he's okay)