how far along: 31 weeks!!!! i can't believe there is only single digits weeks left. 9 more! I can't believe how soon our little man will be here. i have such a strong love for him already. i can't wait to meet him.
total weight gain: 25+ pounds, and i am measuring at 32 weeks. so thats good!!!!
baby is the size of: a coconut
miss anything: bending down with ease. i'm at the point now that when i drop something, i just leave it in hopes someone else picks it up. too much work to do it myself.
cravings: nothing really.
belly button in or out: out!
looking forward to: meeting out little man. only 9 weeks to go give or take.
best moment this week: my mom bought us a car seat which was awesome. super excited. also my family is coming up tomorrow. my dad, grandmother, aunt, and one of my uncles. they are bringing us some baby gifts, as well as taking us to lunch which will be nice. since they won't be able to make it up the weekend of my shower, and i most likely won't be driving down to san diego to see them until after bean is born it will be good to see them now. i spent a lot of time cleaning my apartment yesterday and getting ready for them come. this is the only apartment that my family has ever visited. well besides my dad who helped us move here. he's actually helped me move into every apartment that i've ever lived in. such a great guy.
maternity clothes: yup
labor symptoms: well.none to my knowledge. today i went to my normal ob appointment. it wasn't an appointment with the specialist so we still don't know the status of my previa. but at the appointment today we did find some blood in my urine ( sorry if that's tmi). i'm hoping it's nothing more than a uti or something like that, and not a sign of pre-term labor. i haven't had any other symptoms whatsoever. not for a uti or for preterm labor. so i really hope it's just nothing. crossing my fingers everything is fine. i should be getting a call i'm assuming within the next few days with some lab results.
so like i said before i am super excited to see my family tomorrow. they are driving up from san diego. being preggo and being stuck in the car for long amounts of time is awful. so it's nice that they are making the drive up here with some baby gifts. after this i probably won't see them until after january. so it will be nice to catch up and have lunch.
also a dear friend of ours is getting married this coming weekend. we've both known her for probably around 10ish years. we will drive on sunday up to santa margarita which is exciting. i can't wait for their wedding.
back to some baby talk.... bean moves ALL the time. it's crazy. i love being able to feel him move all the time. especially when i'm talking or singing to him. i use to feel like a crazy person talking and singing to him, but now that he moves when i do it, i don't feel as crazy.
anywhoo i will stop gabbing. i know i'm not that interesting. i just have a lot to gab about. im gonna grab some snacks, a big bottle of water, and relax.
9 weeks left!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!
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