Monday, November 3, 2014

ten months of bob

physically: bob doesn't have his 10 month well appointment until friday, but last month he had a doc appt. at children's hospital and he was 30 inches, 19 lbs 10 oz or something like that. i am excited to see his stats at this appointment.

teeth: little bob has 8 teeth now! 8!!!! and now those darn molars are on their way out. lots of hand chewing and motrin.

eats: this kid is eating everything. i am still giving him fruit/veggie pouches which he loves. usually for breakfast he has 2 eggs and a pouch or cut up fruit. around lunch he will have 2 pouches, or 1 pouch and some kind of noodle. and dinner he usually eats whatever we are having. ie. chicken or fish and potatoes.

sleeps:about 11.5 hours. he couldn't have done better with the time change. woke up right when he was supposed to.

wears: 6-12 month in some clothing. in carters brand he is in 12 month.

loves: eating, playing, using the walker to walk around his "baby jail." bath time.

hates: getting dressed. hands down this is the thing he hates the most. he screams when you get him dressed.

vocally: this is my favorite part. he says "mum" now. and "momma." i LOVE it. he's been saying "dada" and "bob." thats all the words he says. he still does tons of babbling which is super cute.

this was bob's first halloween. he dressed as a chicken. it was pretty cute. his dad and i dressed as farmers. we went trick or treating for about 30 minutes with some friends then called it a night and went home. 

i thought it was starting to cool down permanently, but i guess it was only for a few days. at least we got to bundle him up for that. i love cooler weather and i hope it comes back soon.